The Georgia Real Estate Infobase

Click the link above to reach the Georgia Real Estate InfoBase. This site grew out of a reference book first written in the mid-1990s aiming to make general real estate information available to general readers in the State of Georgia. It will also provide a wealth of information for people considering entering the field of real estate as brokers, appraisers, property managers, community association managers, and lenders. This information should also prove useful to customers wishing to understand how to relate to these professionals. It was not designed for use by professionals to do legal bibliographical searches, and is not a substitute for the services of professional counsel.

You may use this page in various ways. Like the original book, the content is organized into distinct chapters for reading in succession, and you will find a link to the table of contents nearby. The topics do not have to be read in succession though and the reader may use the search function (also nearby) to go directly to a topic of interest. A link to several industry glossaries allows comparing the meaning and use of terms from various perspectives but we make no warranty or representation of their accuracy or currentness. Be sure to consult your real estate professional to complete your knowledge on any topic.

Readers needing more information can link through the hyperlinks throughout the work to access the most current laws, policy or general information from other sites. These hyperlinks have been provided instead of footnotes, endnotes or topical bibliographies in order to make use of the latest technology and sources. As this isn’t a professional resource for attorneys we haven’t tried to provide complete bibliographical or case references on relevant topics.

Please be sure to visit the welcoming pages from the State and Georgia State University and consider visiting their web sites for other needs; refer to the Disclaimers and Terms of Use to know what your rights are to use and share this information. And note the contact information for submitting suggestions for additions, deletions and corrections. We regret that we are not able to take individual questions or provide advice.

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